An inherited condition of scaly build up over pores causing flesh colored or red rough “goose bumps.” Usually seen on the outer arms and thighs. Sometimes seen on the lower cheeks and buttocks, less frequently on the trunk. The exact cause of this is not understood, though it is commonly seen in people who have either allergies, asthma, or eczema.
It can be fairly resistant to treatment, but often improves or resolves over the course of years. The fine bumps can often be smoothened with over-the-counter or prescription treatments used twice per day. The redness often does not respond.
- Use no soap or mild cleanser in this area (Dove, Cetaphil or Cerave)
- Lactic Acids: Amlactin or Lachydrin cream or lotion twice a day (over the counter).
- Urea: Lotions or Creams 10-40% (Carmol)
- Salicylic acid: acne washes (Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash), lotions (Cerave SA).
- Glycolic acid: lotions or creams (Mederma-AG lotion. Glytone or Aquaglycolic)
- Vitamin A derivatives: retinol creams and lotions
- Rogaine be used to help with hair loss on the face (this is an off-label use).
- Prescription treatments: Salex, Carmol-40, Kerol or Umecta twice per day. Sometimes topical retinoids are prescribed (although they tend to be very irritating).