Rhofade is a medication that is used to decrease facial redness and costs around $500. Unfortunately, insurance often does not cover it. The active ingredient in Rhofade is Oxymetazoline 1%, which is the same ingredient in over the counter Afrin nasal spray, but at a lower concentration in the nasal spray.
One way to simulate the effect of Rhofade is to buy a 4oz bottle of CeraVe PM, and mix one bottle of nasal spray. The CeraVe PM has niacinamide which helps reduce inflammation. You can get the generic version of Afrin as long as it has oxymetazoline 0.05% as the active ingredient (see picture below with arrow). Shake well! Apply a thin layer to your face in the morning
Try it out, see if the redness improves. If you do not see enough improvement, add another 1mL (one bottle of nasal spray). Most people see visible improvement after 1-2ml, some require as much as 4ml of nasal spray per bottle of CeraVe PM.