Intertrigo (intertriginous dermatitis) is an inflammatory condition of skin folds, induced or aggravated by heat, moisture, maceration, friction, and lack of air circulation. Intertrigo frequently is worsened by infection, which most commonly is with Candida species. Bacterial, viral, or other fungal infection may also occur. Intertrigo commonly affects the groin, between folds of skin on the abdomen, under the breasts, under the arms or between toes.
In acute red and inflamed lesions: Daily cleansing of intertriginous skin with a mild cleanser (Cerave Hydrating cleanser or Dove) followed by drying of affected area with a hair dryer on a cool setting then choose an option below:
Option 1. Apply InterDry to fold with 2 inch border extending past rash and hold in place with hypofix – change every 5 days – purchase from Amazon
Option 2.Apply antifungal cream (Miconazole/Ketoconazole) then Hydrocortosone ointment twice daily for 7 days then stop the hydrocortisone and continue topical antifungal for 4 weeks.
Option 3. Apply triamcinolone 0.1% mixed 1:1 Silvadene twice a day for 7 days then once a day for 2 wks then stop
Once the skin has improved